Technical and engineering company Osweh Namvar Poya is a designer, manufacturer and supplier of all kinds of equipment for industries and mines.

Industries and Mines

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Osveh Namvar Pouya  Technical and Engineering Company is a dynamic designer, manufacturer and supplier of all kinds of industrial and mining equipment and machinery, which has achieved important achievements in this field, such as designing and manufacturing a CNC milling machine for smart car key, Yufka dough spreader and a dough cutting machine, three-story tunnel oven machine, wheat germ production and breeding machine, design and manufacture of laboratory paper cutting machine and Making all kinds of machines and industrial molds, etc. 

With the allocation of a strong commercial team, the dynamic Osveh Namvar Pouya  company has been able to meet some of the needs of domestic companies active in the fields of oil, gas and petrochemicals, mines, electricity and water power plants, cement factories, etc.


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